Borf Borf

This all happened a couple of weeks ago, and it was kind of strange. My parents were going out of town for work, so I had to stay at a friend's house. I stayed at my friend Jason's (let's call him that) house.
When I walked in the door, I had a sinking feeling that something was wrong. Everything was so quiet. Their little Pomeranian stared up at me and almost smiled. We had fun, playing video games and stuff. Later, it was getting dark, so we ate dinner, and continued playing. That strange feeling intensified as the night went on. Finally, I looked back. I had to see what it was. The dog was looking at me.
I stood up and looked around for a minute or so. "What's wrong?" asked Jason. "Nothing... I think." I replied. After checking the last window, I turned around to see that dog staring at me in the face with a slightly angered look on its face. It was acting a little bit strange, almost like it could see something we couldn't.
I turned around to see someone who was peering into the window quickly disappear. I opened the door to get a picture of the person for the police. Suddenly, the dog ran out between my legs and yipped something I will never forget... "Borf Borf". It was gone, that dog ran away. As small a role it played in my life, I will never forget those words... "Borf Borf."